Lea Strength Tester YG026T
Two Roll Mill DW5110
Top Piece Abrasion Tester DW9700
GCL Permeability Test Apparatus DW1350
Dry Sieve Test Apparatus DW1330D
Direct Shear Test Apparatus DW1280
Horizontal Flammability Tester YG815B
Flammability Tester, also named Horizontal flammability tester, which is used to determine the comparative burn rates and burn resistance of textiles. In regular testing conditions, ignite the fabric sample which place in horizontal for 15 seconds. Measure the burning distance and time.
Pipe Thermostability Chamber XCB
Pipe Thermostability Chamber, also named Plastic Pipe Thermostability Chamber, Thermal Stability Test Chamber or ISO 1167 Plastic Pipe Thermostability Chamber, it is suitable for hydrostatic test which can supply the correct temperature with correct time to check the length of heating.
Rapid Crack Propagation Tester (RCP) DW5880
Rapid Crack Propagation Tester (RCP), also named Rapid Crack Propagation (RCP) Tester or RCP Rapid Crack Propagation Tester, which is used for Performance test of critical pressure and critical temperature for fast crack propagation of thermoplastic pipes for conveying gas or liquid. The equipment mainly consists of: RCP tube fast crack extension test host, RCP low temperature state control box, sealing fixture, RCP sample transfer machine, etc.