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What is yarn ?

Yarn is the general term for yarn and thread, It is composed of textile fiber by the spinning processing. It is with textile characteristics and continuous yarn. Yarn quality and appearance play a a great role to determine the garment performance and surface properties

What is the yarn testing content ?

It includes: tensile strength test, Yarn hairiness testing , Yarn evenness testing , yarn density testing(denier testing machine),wear resistance testing, impurities testing, Yarn appearance testing, Yarn twist testing, Moisture content etc ….. 

What is Yarn Testing Instruments ?

It includes : Semi-automatic Fast Eight-basket Oven, Linear density(wrap reel yarn count and wrap reel yarn testing), yarn appearance board winder, yarn crimp tester, Yarn Evenness Tester, Yarn Hairiness Tester, Yarn Hairiness Tester, yarn twist tester, Course Length Tester, Yarn Abrasion Tester, Yarn Friction Coefficient Tester, Portable Electronic Single Yarn Strength Tester, T Electronic Strength Tester Etc…  

Yarn Testing Instruments standard : 

GB/T2543.1/2, 14345, FZ/T 10001, GB/T 9996, GB/T 5883, GB/T 9995,

ISO 6741.1, ISO 2062,ASTM D2256,BS1932.Pt.2, DIN53842.1, DIN53835.2

KS K0409, ASTM D2255, ISO 2061, ASTM D1422/1423, ASTM D2654, ASTM D 3108-2001 Etc…

Showing 17–27 of 27 results

What is yarn ?

Yarn is the general term for yarn and thread, It is composed of textile fiber by the spinning processing. It is with textile characteristics and continuous yarn. Yarn quality and appearance play a a great role to determine the garment performance and surface properties

What is the yarn testing content ?

It includes: tensile strength test, Yarn hairiness testing , Yarn evenness testing , yarn density testing(denier testing machine),wear resistance testing, impurities testing, Yarn appearance testing, Yarn twist testing, Moisture content etc ….. 

What is Yarn Testing Instruments ?

It includes : Semi-automatic Fast Eight-basket Oven, Linear density(wrap reel yarn count and wrap reel yarn testing), yarn appearance board winder, yarn crimp tester, Yarn Evenness Tester, Yarn Hairiness Tester, Yarn Hairiness Tester, yarn twist tester, Course Length Tester, Yarn Abrasion Tester, Yarn Friction Coefficient Tester, Portable Electronic Single Yarn Strength Tester, T Electronic Strength Tester Etc…  

Yarn Testing Instruments standard : 

GB/T2543.1/2, 14345, FZ/T 10001, GB/T 9996, GB/T 5883, GB/T 9995,

ISO 6741.1, ISO 2062,ASTM D2256,BS1932.Pt.2, DIN53842.1, DIN53835.2

KS K0409, ASTM D2255, ISO 2061, ASTM D1422/1423, ASTM D2654, ASTM D 3108-2001 Etc…

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