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Yarn Package Dyeing Machine DW202B

Yarn Package Dyeing Machine DW202B

Yarn Package Dyeing Machine which also named lab package dyeing machine or package dyeing machine, it used to dye bobbin yarn under high temperature and high pressure.This package dyeing machine will mixed water and dyestuff evenly in the cylinder before dyeing.The package yarn dyeing machine is common used in the laboratory or factory for sample dyeing.
Yarn Examining Machine YG381A

Yarn Examining Machine YG381A

Yarn examining machine, also named Yarn Examining Test Equipment, Yarn Examine Board. FYI is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of yarn examining machine in the world, devoting to offering cost effective testing solutions and equipments for various industrial applications.

Dolomite Dust Clogging Test Machine DW0560

Dolomite Dust Clogging Test Machine DW0560

DW0560 Dolomite Dust Clogging Test Machine is used for dolomite dust clogging test of EN149 respiratory protective devices-filtering half masks to protect against particles.
Industrial Washing Machine XPG Series

Industrial Washing Machine XPG Series

FYI is a leading manufacturer and supplier of industrial washing machine, and devoting to offering cost effective testing solutions and equipments for various industrial applications.

Automatic Sample Cutting Machine T500A Series

Automatic Sample Cutting Machine T500A series

Automatic Sample Cutting Machine is suitable for cutting cotton fabric, wool, silk, hemp, chemical fiber, etc. This automatic sample cutter widely used in textile industrial and sales company for cutting and making sample.  
Lab Ginning Machine DW040

Lab Ginning Machine DW040

Lab Ginning Machine, which is also named cotton gin machine, gin cotton machine. FYI is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of gin machinery, devoting to offering cost effective testing solutions and equipments for various industrial applications.

Semi-automatic Flat Bed Knitting Machine DW0931

Semi-automatic Flat Bed Knitting Machine DW0931

Flat Bed Knitting Machine, also named semi-automatical flat bed knitting machine,FYI is a leading manufacturer and supplier of flat bed knitting machine, and devoting to offering cost effective testing solutions and equipments for various industrial applications.

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